Deposit return systems explained
Deposit return schemes (DRS) are a highly effective mechanism for collecting large volumes of empty containers in clean waste streams for use in high-quality recycling, or for setting up refill-or-reuse systems.
of UK litter was the result of drinks consumption
As of 2017, 39 countries and states have implemented DRS, with many others in preliminary discussions, allowing hundreds of millions of people to return their bottles, cans and other containers and help reduce plastic pollution.1Reloop (2018) Deposit systems for one-way beverage containers: Global overview 2018 (ONLINE) Available at:
DRS is the most cost-effective and reliable way to achieve high collection rates of containers, with most systems reaching 90%+ return rates within a few years.2Reloop (2018) Deposit systems for one-way beverage containers: Global overview 2018 (ONLINE) Available at: It also supplies clean waste streams of high-quality recyclables in comparison to kerbside collection, creates jobs, reduces clean-up costs and can pave the way for greater reuse and refill.
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